If you know a little bit about Django, it should be relatively straightforward to get started with Peregrine with this five-minute install. If you are new to Django, check out the excellent tutorial.
Python Djangomkvirtualenv my_blog
pip install peregrine
django-admin startproject my_blog
cd my_blog
Your settings file will be located in my_blog/settings.py if you're using the default Django project layout created by the startproject command above. You can add these settings at the very bottom of the file.
Your URL route file will be located in my_blog/urls.py if you're using the default Django project layout created by the startproject command above. You can replace the entire file with this:
from django.conf.urls import url, include
from django.contrib import admin
from wagtail.wagtailcore import urls as wagtail_urls
from wagtail.wagtailadmin import urls as wagtailadmin_urls
from wagtail.wagtaildocs import urls as wagtaildocs_urls
urlpatterns = [
url(r'^admin/', admin.site.urls),
# Peregrine URLs for Wagtail
url(r'^documents/', include(wagtaildocs_urls)),
url(r'^cms/', include(wagtailadmin_urls)),
url(r'', include(wagtail_urls)),
After you've set up your settings, we need to create your database and a superuser. Issue the following commands from your project root directory.
Only run the command peregrine_initial_site if you are running on a new project, as it loads database fixtures!
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py peregrine_initial_site
python manage.py createsuperuser
python manage.py runserver 0:8000
You should then be able to navigate to http://localhost:8000/cms/ and log in, and start creating!